Comparing Different Types of Competency Units

Exemplar Global vs Nationally Recognised Training (NRT)

At the heart of the matter, Exemplar Global units are acknowledged worldwide, focusing on competency in a global context. In contrast, Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) units are specifically designed for the Australian landscape, and only Australian Registered Training Organisations (RTO) can award these credentials.

When considering the scope of registration for ATOL's Nationally Recognised Training, our attention is directed towards the Business Services (BSB) Training Package, particularly the four (4) core auditing competency units.

Both Exemplar Global Competency Units and BSB units serve to enhance professional skills in auditing, quality management, and business services. However, they present distinctions in terms of their focal points, recognitions, and practical applications.

  • Exemplar Global Competency Units are crafted for professionals seeking expertise in auditing and management systems, with a strong emphasis on meeting international standards, such as those set by ISO. These units enjoy global acknowledgment and are designed to qualify individuals in specific competencies relevant across various sectors.
  • BSB Competency Units fall under the umbrella of Australia's Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. They cover a wider spectrum of business and management skills, including leadership and human resources, tailored to support the Australian workforce with practical and applicable business expertise.

Key Differences at a Glance:

  • Scope: Exemplar Global units are specialized with an international lens, primarily concentrating on auditing and quality management. BSB units, however, provide a broad array of business and management skills suited for the Australian context.
  • Recognition: Exemplar Global units are internationally acknowledged, particularly valuable in industries that adhere to ISO standards. BSB units are recognized nationally within Australia and are crafted to align with its specific business needs.
  • Objective: Exemplar Global aims to provide certification in specialized auditing competencies on a global scale. Conversely, BSB units are designed to equip individuals for diverse business roles within Australia.

As a Registered Training Organization (RTO #45123) and as the proud holder of RTP and TPECS accreditations from Exemplar Global, ATOL ensures our students receive the highest level of education and certification.

Our programs are designed to ensure that you receive not only the knowledge but also the recognition you need to excel in your professional journey, whether on a global scale with Exemplar Global or within the Australian market through NRT.