Paying for your course using Zip

Learn Now, Pay Later

Zip payments are only available to Australian citizens or residents.
Did you know you can "Learn Now and Pay Later" with a Zip payment solution? We are partnered with Zip payment solutions which means you can enrol in your course today and get your qualification, but pay for it later. As an ATOL student you get 6 months interest free when purchasing via Zip.
Zip also offers you the option to pay for your qualification with a fixed number of installments. The great thing is you get access to your course before you even have to make your first installment!
How do you get enrolled using Zip?
  1. You decide to enrol. Great! Use the contact page and let us know which course(s) you want to do. Please provide your mobile phone number if you have not already done so. Zip requires both email and mobile phone number for verification, and the sending of orders.
  2. We generate an electronic order which is sent to you via email and phone.
  3. You confirm the order using your Zip account. If you don't already have an account then you can apply for one after clicking on the order link. 
  4. Once Zip have approved your account and you have confirmed the order we create your enrolment and send you your login details.
  5. If you already have a Zip account then it will be 2 business days or less, from the time you initially contact us to when you're logged in and getting qualified!

Can I use Zip in conjunction with a promotional discount?

Yes you can. For example if we have 25% discount promotion we can apply this to the amount on your Zip order. Eat your cake and have it too.


Conditions for purchasing courses with Zip:
  1. You are an Australian resident or citizen, who is over 18 years old.   
  2. A minimum purchase of $500 is required.
  3. You cannot purchase bridging courses.
More questions about how Zip works?
It's best to contact Zip if you have any questions about the details of payment schedules, interest rates etc. Please have a look at the Zip website, specifically the how it works page. This page explains the different payment solutions offered and lets you apply for an account.

Need more help?

We are happy to be your guide to auditing and management systems. Please contact us using the contact page.