2. Existing Student Support

Reviewing Practical Assessment Results

How to find assessor feedback on workbook and observation assessments.

Are you wanting to review your exam or quiz answers? Then check out our KB article: Reviewing Exam & Practice Quiz Results

In the same way that you review exam and practice quiz results, we provide participants with the opportunity to review result feedback no matter what the outcome of their workbook or observation.

To review workbook or observation results, from your most recent attempt, start by selecting "Results" on your course home page (as per the following screenshot).

Results sampleOnce you have clicked on the results button you will be able to see your assessment result and download a copy of the assessor feedback in the uploaded files section of the page.

Your assessor will have also left some brief comments at the bottom of the page for your reference. 

Assessor Feedback

If you disagree with the assessor outcomes, please refer to the assessment appeals policy located in your learner portal for guidance.