2. Personnel Certification

What is RABQSA and RABQSA certification?

RABQSA is now known as Exemplar Global

You may have current certificates that were issued by RABQSA. RABQSA is now known as Exemplar Global

Exemplar Global is a personnel certification body. They certify both individuals and training providers. Exemplar Global establishes performance criteria for auditing courses and for auditor training providers to ensure auditors are competent.

As an Exemplar Global Recognised Training Provider all of our Exemplar Global courses are certified by Exemplar Global.

Having a current RABQSA qualification as a Lead Auditor, and\or a Quality or Environment qualification may allow you to take advantage of our bridging courses to help you transition to the new standards.

Please upload a copy of your certificates here and we can advise if you can upgrade using our bridging courses or if you will be required to complete another one of our qualifications.


Need more help?

We are happy to be your guide to auditing and management systems. Please contact us using the contact page.