2. ATOL Digital Credentials

Where and how can I share my ATOL Digital Credentials?

You can share your badge directly from the Credly platform to LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook; over email; embedded in a website, or in your email signature.

To share your badge:

  1. Log into your account on www.credly.com
  2. Select the badge you'd like to share
  3. At the top of the page, select the blue "Share" button
  4. You will be brought to the “Share Badge” screen where you can find different tabs directing you to connect your social media accounts and share your badge
  5. Update the message to include the hashtag #ATOLDigitalCredentials for some extra kudos from our team
  6. Once your social media account is connected, just click “Share” to share your digital badge


You can learn more about the digital credentials provided by Credly direct from the source in the Credly Help Center